Maintain your balcony in winter

Even in the middle of winter, gardening enthusiasts always have a good reason to go out and pamper their plants. All the maintenance tips to keep your terrace or balcony well cared for all winter long.

The balcony in winter

The harsh winter climate inevitably leads to the neglect of the exterior spaces of the house. However, places such as a balcony or terrace can be used even during the coldest months, but in a different way. For example, you must first spend the hottest hours of the day outside and in any case those when the sun's rays reach your balcony, unlike in the summer, when you look for the coolest hours. However, all you need to do is to equip yourself properly and pay the necessary attention to the plants, to make the balcony the best outdoor appendix of the house even in winter. The slightest mistake can make the balcony look neglected. Instead, it is necessary to take care of it, keeping the furniture clean and inserting some plants typical of the season. In this way, the appearance of the outdoor space will be even more inviting.

How to furnish the balcony during the cold months ?

During several trips that have taken you to visit practically every country in Northern Europe, it has been observed: how do people not give up pleasantly sipping a drink at the tables outside a room, even in rather cold weather? All shops therefore offer warm plaids next to their outside seats to place it on their legs. Acquiring a blanket of this type can be the first step to enjoy a balcony even in the middle of winter. But a plaid is not enough: to feel really comfortable, you have to cover the chairs with something warm, like a fur coat or a blanket. To dampen the wind and reduce the circulation of cold air, place a sheet on the railing to act as a screen. There's no shortage of outdoor warmers. A very suggestive solution is, for example, the brazier, which is also used in gardens and which, in addition to heating, creates a romantic and dreamlike atmosphere. However, it must be used with extreme caution to avoid it becoming a source of danger. Absolutely not recommended, however, if there are children around. Then there are the classic outdoor stoves, those long used for public spaces, which are now available on the market at absolutely affordable prices to heat even balconies and private gardens.

How to protect your balcony plants in winter ?

Balcony plants are particularly affected by the winter months, especially because they have only a small loaf of soil in the pot to live in. If you have a balcony that is particularly exposed to cold and wind, start by choosing the right plants to survive this season. But consider the possibility of losing a few plants during the winter. After all, a mistake can also happen to experienced gardeners, and you don't want to make a mistake. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and water before frost comes. For balcony plants, a good solution is the cold box, a kind of small greenhouse. It can also be built by DIY, by preparing a drawer in which the plants to be covered with glass or transparent polycarbonate are placed. Air the plants during sunny hours and cover them well when it rains, hails, snows or is windy. Wind in particular is the most dangerous thing for a plant during the winter. If your balcony is very windy, protect it properly with windbreak panels, there are also some very nice ones.

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