How do I choose the perfect mattress for me ?

A good day depends on a good night, if you didn't sleep well, the day will be a disaster. Indeed, the quality of your sleep depends on the comfort of your mattress, so you must know how to choose your mattress. We spend a third of our day in bed, so it is necessary to choose a mattress that offers us maximum comfort. To do so, some parameters appear important: morphology, weight, in couple or alone. Criteria will have to be apprehended to improve the quality of your sleep, by way of consequence, for your health.

The different types of mattresses

Knowing the type of mattress and the materials used are of paramount importance to guarantee optimal comfort. Namely, the spring mattress which has become a basic model in today's bedding world. It is more luxurious thanks to the small springs in the pocket of the fabric. There are different versions of spring mattresses such as: the soft, firm or medium version. You can make the choice according to your needs. These springs are designed to minimize the risk of rolling you towards your partner in the middle of the night. The only disadvantage of this mattress is that it is heavier to turn while for its maintenance, it must be turned every two weeks to minimize wear and tear. As for the foam mattress, it offers an incomparable feeling of comfort and softness. It has a visco-elastic shape that allows it to adapt to any sleeping position because it moulds itself to the shape of your body.  Finally, the latex mattress, as its name suggests, is made of latex foam. It is in fact a breathable material to avoid hot flashes during the night. It is a mattress suitable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. For information, these different types of mattresses have a wide range of prices, from the most affordable to the most expensive, it is better to use the mattresses on sale.

Choosing a mattress according to your morphology

Morphology is one of the main criteria to be taken into account. This will allow you to find the ideal mattress. Whatever type of bedding you are interested in, the most important thing is to wake up healthy. You must choose the model that will have no impact on your circulation. Otherwise, it will unnecessarily tire certain parts of your body. The manufacturing technique of some mattresses allows you to support and then relax your body. That is to say that if you made the right choice by opting for a mattress on sale with comfort zones, you won't risk suffering every night. Otherwise, your muscles will not relax and will work until you wake up. The size is a criterion to be considered to better determine the compatible length. You must be 20 cm taller for optimal comfort. For the width, it is in relation to your morphology that you will choose the appropriate size. In addition, the differences in morphology are also to be taken into account for a duo bed. On this point, the independence of the bed is an absolute priority so that everyone can have a good night's sleep. The 3D measurement methods are very useful to facilitate your choice.

How to choose a mattress according to its weight?

It should not be denied that sleeping is the source of well-being. Aside from your budget, rather direct your choice towards a bedding adapted to your weight. Indeed, it is your weight that will determine the type of mattress to choose. If you are already overweight, you should know that you are larger than average. Therefore, it is strongly advised not to opt for a bed of a standard size so that you don't feel cramped. A width of 100 cm in single place and 160 cm in double place is more suitable. However, this size is more expensive than the standard size, but fortunately there are bedding sales on order with interesting prices. As far as the type of mattress is concerned, prefer pocket springs, because in addition to an excellent sleeping independence, it offers optimal support during the night. On the other hand, if you are light-weight, all types of beds will suit you. On the other hand, you should always favour flexibility.

Which mattress is suitable if you sleep alone or in pairs?

The most important thing to get a good night's sleep is not to feel cramped. The more space you have, the better you sleep. That's why it is important to know that good bedding should be about 20 cm longer than the person sleeping on it. If you sleep alone, the standard size 190 cm by 90 cm is already adequate. Bedding made of foam, latex or spring, there are mattress sales for an interesting price. Furthermore, if you sleep as a couple, it is better to bring a special independence to the sleeping independence. This to cushion the movements of the members of the couple so that they don't disturb each other. Pocket-spring mattresses are more favorable for better ventilation throughout the night. It is indeed a criterion for a good ventilation of the mattress. Indeed, when we sleep in couple, it is likely to sweat a lot at night. In this condition, the mattress does not have time to dry and mildew develops. Thus, sleeping as a couple requires certain technologies that are naturally more ventilated to obtain a perfect sleep.

Which mattress is suitable if you have back pain?

According to one estimate, one out of every 5 work accidents is related to back pain. Thus, it is an illness that is really not to be taken lightly. The main factor of this pain is generally related to the support of the mattress, because its firmness does not suit you. Bedding that is too soft or too firm causes discomfort because it doesn't keep your spine properly aligned. For this reason, a memory foam bedding is the best way to provide optimal relief for back pain. Indeed, thanks to the good distribution of the pressure points of your body, your spine will be well aligned. It is undeniable that opting for comfort requires an important budget, but know that there are mattresses on sale with very affordable prices. Finally, some online sites can help you easily choose the mattress of your dreams. To do so, you must find the e-commerce site offering interesting offers. Indeed, some sites have advisers who can guide you in the purchase of the mattress that guarantees your well-being.

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