A mosquito net : the essential complement of your home

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, the line between life inside and outside is blurring. The garden or balcony can be enjoyed again. Windows and swing doors can be opened. In the spring, fresh air can enter. In summer, the cooler evening breeze can refresh the house. But open doors and windows also have a disadvantage. Several uninvited guests can enter the house...


Mosquitoes are the most famous intruders and one of the most annoying. The first mosquitoes arrive as early as spring. The number of mosquitoes peaks in summer and slowly disappears in autumn. This means that in mild spring and autumn, mosquitoes can be present for three-quarters of the year. And you know how much they like to bother you in bed, in the dark, in the middle of the night in your house. In addition to mosquitoes, other unpleasant intruders are hiding. The grey bug is an insect that was mainly found in southern Europe. Due to climate change, it is now found everywhere in the Netherlands. Its nickname is "bug". If this insect feels threatened, it can emit a very unpleasant smell. So it is not a creature you like to have in your house. There are many other possible intruders like the collar fly, but the last one I want to talk about is the green lace bug. Not because it stings, smells or hums, but because they are common and they really crawl everywhere, even if they are not very attracted to your bed. In the cutlery drawer or the clean cups, there are dead bodies of these flies everywhere.

The solution

The solution is simple: have a mosquito net made. Mosquito nets can be made for doors as well as for windows. The advantage of a mosquito net over a screen is that it does not obstruct your view. There are nets that darken and nets that do not darken. If you want your net to be as inconspicuous as possible, choose a net that does not darken. If you prefer to keep sunlight out, choose a shading screen. Nets can be made of slats that interlock with each other using magnets, be made of a single element (fabric net or velcro fastened net), a pleated net or a roll-up net. Be safe on your bed. Bend over for the net mosquito netting. They don't protect the whole house, but they do prevent your bed from being infected by these bugs. If there is no problem drilling holes in the window frame and you want a long-term solution, a permanent, custom-made screen is the best solution. This will allow you to open the blinds freely and rely on the protection offered by your mosquito net. If you only want a temporary solution or if you are not allowed to damage the window frame, a mosquito screen or mosquito net with velcro is the best choice. In principle, there is a mosquito net for every type of window and door. Let us inform you about the mosquito net that best suits your wishes.

In brief

Get out a little. Enjoy the nice weather and fresh air without those nasty intruders. Upgrade your home and choose a mosquito net for the protection of your home. During the day, try to let some light into your home, your unwanted guests are too friendly with the dark. There is something for everyone. A mosquito net is an investment you won't regret!

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