Mistakes to avoid when arranging furniture in the house

Mistakes to avoid when arranging furniture in the house. How to complete the furnishing of the apartment, avoiding the effect of disorder. Ideas and solutions that make the house practical, functional and more beautiful. Entering a new house, as a tenant or as the new owner of the apartment, is always an emotion. After signing the contract that binds you to this property, then a moment later, you rush to buy all the furniture you need in the house to live in it. The irrepressible joy, however, could make you make a few mistakes: not calculating the spaces and ending up with a wardrobe that doesn't find room or the old buffet bought in a flea market that turns out to be totally irrelevant in your hyper-modern house. So, without dampening your enthusiasm, sit down and come up with a plan of action before you open your wallet.

Mistakes to avoid : don't create a card before you start.

The wrong starting point is the one that will determine, in cascade, all the other possible mistakes in the furnishing of the house. Using a carpenter's tape measure, take a precise measurement of the rooms in the apartment, taking care to draw the precise map on paper. It is important to consider the layout of the windows in the drawing, mark them on the map, as well as to take into account the angles and edges that may prove fatal or useful later on, when we are going to fit out the closet or the space-saving shoe rack . Then, with the maps in hand of each room, we can create a computer simulation, using one of the many free software programs that can be found on the Internet useful for designing home furniture and which, thanks to 3D, can make clear the effect that the various elements would determine. One of the brand new free programs to download to your smartphone is IKEA Place , with which you can access the Ikea catalog in hologram and augmented reality. By doing several tests, taking into account the furniture already in our possession, the space remaining in the room, the ease of access and the possible empty spaces in which we can then arrange those storage cabinets so useful for storing objects in continuous use. An alternative is to use masking tape and reproduce the dimensions of the furniture on the floor. In this way, we will notice some basic things such as the doors and drawers that open effortlessly, the space available for walking or where to place the TV cabinet in the living room.

Errors to avoid : darken the light

Sunlight transmits energy and illuminates in a fantastic environment, especially in winter, when the sun's rays help to heat rooms. If the light disturbs you, simply close the curtains to relieve discomfort. A very different thing is to prevent light from filtering in from outside: furniture and furnishings placed in front of windows and near doors limit the entry of light, which could also radiate into other rooms. Furthermore, this could make access to the balcony and terrace difficult, forcing you to constantly move furniture when cleaning.

Errors to avoid : fill in the blanks

We have just moved to a new neighborhood or even to another city and the expenses involved have been numerous, so we have no intention of abandoning some of the furniture, which is expensive or to which we are fond. Let's not forget that each room has its own function, and certainly not that of being a warehouse or depository for something for which we have not yet decided where to place it. Filling a room, or rather cluttering it up, ends up making it difficult to live in: getting up in the middle of the night and stumbling because you can't remember which coat rack or base unit you have. Organizing a dinner party at home with friends and having to sit in a cramped space because you have a piece of furniture on the wall that serves as an archive for you is not the best. Optimizing space is the key word: chaos will be minimal, cleaning will be easier and you will only have what you really need.

Errors to avoid : Arrange furniture against the walls

One of the first aspects that concerns us when decorating the house is to arrange the furniture in the respective rooms. And almost instinctively, we proceed by placing them hanging on the wall, without leaving any space. Although this can be a way to solve the decoration problem quickly, it may reveal its drawbacks later. A living room with a sofa placed in front of the TV cabinet is fine: but having space in the middle of the room completely empty is a waste of space. It is better to bring the sofa closer to the TV, creating a kind of corridor behind it. This way, it would be easy for anyone to get up and change rooms. In the bedroom, the double bed is placed against a wall, while having enough space in the rest of the room. Leaving 30/40 cm from the wall can allow you to have a container headboard, which serves as a shelf, with a shelf on which to place reading lamps, magazines, books and small personal items that can be useful in bed. Before bedtime.

Errors to avoid : not respecting the balance and proportions of the room.

In an apartment, it is advisable to avoid the annoying clutter effect: having a wall of the house loaded with furniture and leaving the rest of the environment bare will create a strange effect. At first glance it will seem that you are still moving and above all, the empty part will remain unused, leading you to compulsively buy unnecessary furniture so as not to see it naked.

Errors to avoid : mixing styles

Combining furniture of different trends and tastes ends up creating a lot of confusion in the home. Every time you enter the room, you will find it difficult to recognize your home, even if the furniture of different styles is functional. At this stage, it is best to decide in advance what style each room will have, avoiding the confusion that completely opposite trends can cause.

Errors to be avoided : not respecting the function of the parts.

You wanted so much to live in an open space, to have the rooms in one space. But in the end you opted for a more traditional apartment, also because of the needs of the children and because some important pieces of furniture would not have found an ideal place in a large room. Each room in the house has its own function and must be respected, for your comfort and that of your family, who must be able to find what you need without going around the house. It is absolutely important that the sleeping area has its own privacy, as well as the bathroom.

Errors to avoid : not taking advantage of the curves.

When we start to live the house intensely, we realize that we could make some operations more comfortable, such as arranging cleaning products all together or the need for an extra cupboard to distribute food and drinks. Not taking advantage of the corners and niches that may exist in a house is a real shame. There is a lot of space-saving furniture on the market, which can be easily assembled by yourself and which can solve many basic problems. From shoe shelves to cabinets for brooms and cleaning products, not to mention libraries with practical columns in which to store music CDs, notebooks, file documents and which you can decorate with personal photos and knick-knacks.

Errors to avoid : rushing to furnish

Remembering the essential functions of a house is important: furnishing your home is not a job, but it does require special attention, especially when you think you will be living in that place for many years. Practicality and functionality are the first factors to consider when decorating the house. It is right to have a taste for beautiful things, but don't immediately buy that wardrobe you saw in a catalog, simply because you are afraid you won't find it on the market. The advice is to live the apartment before completing it with many elements that, at first sight, seem fundamental. Much better to limit yourself to furniture essential to the first one: there is always time for accessories and, with all your calm, you can stroll through the stores and markets, find something that you will not leave, after avoiding unnecessary expenses.

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