Buy Buddhist Decorations Online

Buddhist practice has become common in the West because it offers simple and practical methods for cultivating greater awareness and presence of mind. The tools it offers are sorely needed in our fast-paced, often toxic and distracting world. Mindfulness allows us to fully embody our lives and experiences from one moment to the next, rather than taking refuge in dependency or destructive habits such as emotional eating, unconscious scrolling or meaningless gossip. However, meditation and conscious living are not just rainbows and rays of sunshine. They encompass everything, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful and everything in between. With practice, we can learn to expand our consciousness and raise our vibration. We can attune ourselves more and more to the one love of all that is. We can serve others and become progressively more generous and caring. Here are some inspiring decorative objects on Buddhist themes that you can use for Zen decoration in your home.

Cotton canvas scroll: "A precious human life

A simple cotton roll that is made in India by Tibetans. In a natural white color, it can complete the decoration of your office, meditation room, bedroom or bathroom. Hang this hand-woven scroll with an inspiring quote from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama anywhere in your home to inspire you, your family and guests with his message: Every day, think as you wake up: Today I am lucky to have woken up. I am alive, I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it.   I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart to others, for clarification for the benefit of all beings.   I will have benevolent thoughts towards others. I'm not going to get angry, or think badly of others.   I will benefit others as much as possible.

Hand-made Tibetan Affirmation Prayer Flags

Prayer flags are traditionally placed outside. It is believed that their energy, good intentions and prayers are released into the universe when they are blown by the wind. These beautiful flags can be hung on your patio or balcony, and they are also a unique and colorful interior decoration. Each set includes six vibrant flags, lovingly handmade by Balinese artisans. Invite peace, happiness, courage, love, tranquility and wisdom into your space with these special prayer flags. Each virtue is presented in English and Tibetan, with a short, sweet quote in English.

Buddha wall art on canvas

The Buddha's name was Siddhartha Gautama, and he lived in India thousands of years ago. After years of experimenting with different spiritual paths, and finally rejecting them all, he spent a fateful night in deep meditation under a Bodhi tree. During his meditation, all the answers he was looking for became clear, and he attained full consciousness, thus becoming Buddha, or "the enlightened one". This framed wall art depicting the Buddha sitting in meditation under a tree is printed on a waterproof canvas and is ready to hang in your living room, dining room, office or bedroom. Energize the wall of any room and reinvigorate your mindfulness practice with this beautiful three-part painting.

Tibetan Buddhist Table Prayer Wheel

Tibetan Buddhists believed that spinning a prayer wheel brings merit to the person who turns it, as does chanting the sacred mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, which translates as "praise the lotus jewel". Practitioners hold mala beads in their left hand and a prayer wheel in their right hand while reciting mantras. The intention is to purify negative karma from our path, and to remove obstacles that prevent us from realizing our Buddha nature and the true nature of reality. The design on the prayer wheel features intricate copper details on a background of red coral. It rests on a two-inch brass base and is decorated with copper coins that help to cultivate compassion, wisdom and bliss. Bring the beauty and craftsmanship of the Himalayas into your home. This prayer wheel is an exquisite and powerful addition to your meditation space.

Figures and decorative statues of Buddha

A Buddhist decoration that brings luck! The custom wants that one caresses the belly of the statue of the Laughing Buddha, because one considers that it must bring you happiness, prosperity and satisfaction. Have you ever dealt with Buddha figures, big or small? Then you have probably noticed that the Buddha is represented in three different positions. Of the multiple positions of the Buddha, the most well known are sitting, standing, walking or lying down. Here, each position has a particular meaning, defined by the posture of his body and that of his hands and known as "mudra". - The sitting Buddha A small sitting Buddha is known as "the meditator". He has loose hands on his knees and the palms of his hands pointing upwards. This posture is called "Dhyana mudra" or "meditation mudra" and "it is the gesture of meditation, concentration of the good law and sangha". The inflexibility and vigor of the Buddha are also symbolized by this position, which consists of sitting in a suit, in which a Thai Buddha has his left hand on his lap and his right hand on his knee. The fingers of this hand are pointing towards the ground. - A chubby Buddha A chubby Buddha standing or walking, hands up and palms forward, is called "Abhaya mudra". It communicates a hope of protection and fearlessness and translates as "chasing away fear". However, there are also some smaller Buddha figures standing with one or two hands up. The thumb and forefinger are often touched with the fingers, which is called the "gesture of instruction". - The Reclining Buddha The reclining Buddha is not as common as the sitting figure in Buddhist space. However, it is a fascinating posture of the Buddha is quite common. Often Buddha statues are lying on the right with the head supported by the right hand. While the left hand is extended along the body. This is a posture that symbolizes the Buddha's entry into the state of Nirvana. Nirvana is not a real place, but the name of a state of mind.

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