9 tips for fitting out a small bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most inhabited domestic environments, it is of great importance because it is the place where you can enjoy moments for the care and well-being of the person. How many of you rediscover, every day, the pleasure of a refreshing shower, perhaps after work ? Then the bathroom becomes a kind of oasis in the desert of the hectic daily routine. Whether large or small, the watchword is comfort; the space must be organized in a functional way. In this article, we have tried to give you the necessary advice on how to furnish a small bathroom, offering the various possible solutions.

1. Hanging up bathroom equipment and furniture

If you have a bathroom of a few square meters, but don't want to give up the beauty of design and practicality, then choose hanging bathroom fixtures and furniture. These two furnishing solutions will not only give greater depth to the room, but will also guarantee comfort and practicality for daily cleaning of the room. In fact, if the bathroom furniture is suspended, you can arrive with the cloth all the way underneath, with a much higher guarantee of hygiene. Germs and bacteria hide, indeed, in the most difficult to reach places.

2. The door : choose a sliding door

For a small bathroom, and always in the perspective of a space-saving furnishing, it was suggested that you opt for a sliding door on a track. This type, in particular, saves you even more space because the door "disappears" completely into the wall, becoming one with it. You will find a little space, but also a touch of elegance and refinement. Be clever! For your small bathroom, between a flashy exterior drain box and a small interior box, choose the second one. With this variant, not only will you have opted for a more aesthetic solution, but you will certainly have gained a few centimeters! The surface on which you should have mounted the download box can, for example, be used to place shelves.

3. Play with colors !

Another little suggestion is to choose the right colors for both the furniture and the walls. If you have a few square meters available for your bathroom, bet it all on white, with perhaps some references to shades of grey. In fact, these two colors, in addition to giving greater depth to the environment, will also result in greater luminosity. To perfect the optical effect, play the card of the mirror, strategically placed to favour the play of reflections, so that the room appears larger.

4. Choose the right formats

In the choice of details, which always make the difference, pay attention to the tiles. The range on the market is very wide; it is possible to choose between different colors and shapes. But for a small bathroom, don't hesitate to choose large tiles and especially light colors. All this will help to obtain a brighter environment that will appear, therefore, more spacious.

5. Crystal Shower Chest

In a previous article, still dedicated to bathroom furniture, we have already highlighted the properties of crystal, capable of reflecting shapes and light. For a small bathroom, it is therefore suggested to choose a glass shower cubicle, so that the optical illusion can be that of a larger room.

6. Accessories and multifunctional furniture

If the bathroom is small, choose compact and versatile furniture; this type of furniture is born from the need to live in increasingly restricted environments, for which there are specific needs for space optimization. The advice is to reduce the number of pieces of furniture to the bone; choose one, at most two, preferably in chests. If you need small shelves for creams and perfumes, for example, install shelves in a "blind corner" of the room so that you can finally use it. In addition, we suggest that you make the most of niches.

7. The importance of lights

For any domestic environment, the role of light, whether natural or artificial, is absolutely fundamental. If your bathroom is small, it is recommended to choose hidden spots or ceiling lights in harmony with the style of your decor. The rest will be natural light, which can filter through the window when it is present. But in the case of a bathroom that doesn't have any, you will have to switch everything to artificial light. In this case, choose energy-saving products; there are many variations on the market.

8. Use all the space

For your shower cubicle, use a corner of the room. It is the best choice to save space. However, the shower tray should be curved and perhaps flush with the floor so that it can best fit the area chosen for installation. For the materials, you can go from acrylic to resin, to proposals that propose a mixture of minerals, resins and gels. Follow his advice, you will see that even your small bathroom will be beautiful.

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