8 inexpensive tips to give your room a makeover

1. Do the big cleanup

The bedroom should be your resting place. Too many objects in the room make you feel confused and don't promote a good night's sleep. Take a look: how many objects in this room actively make you happy when you look at them? You can probably do without a lot of the garbage that has accumulated here - whether it's candleholders, old decorative cushions or other things. You'll find that your room looks cooler when there's less stuff in it. 

2. Changing seating furniture

At some point, you moved into your house and installed the furniture as it seemed right at the time. Maybe the apartment was a shared apartment at the time, but today it's your own kingdom? See if today's furniture layout still really meets your needs and possibilities. The office, does it really still have to be in the bedroom or is there now room elsewhere? Is there a better place for the bed, for example completely centered? Just move around and see what other rooms have to offer: if, for example, the desk leaves the room, there may be room for the old chair, which remains unused elsewhere.

3. Add color

Wallpaper is becoming trendy again but requires a little financial investment. Why not rather paint a wall of the room in a strong color? Depending on the size of this wall, you can even manage with a small bucket of paint. Sometimes, you can also find small buckets of paint in the hardware store that someone has had someone specially mix it without finally recovering it. Your chance to get a cheap and colorful makeover?

4. Textiles make a big difference.

Curtains, carpets, bed linens, pillows: if you add up their surfaces, you get quite a lot of square meters. Textiles take up a large percentage of your room and therefore determine the look of your room. Make the most of it: new curtains or a strikingly beautiful bedspread will embellish the whole room at once. Whoever chooses bright colors, for example in the Moroccan lifestyle, quickly changes the image of the whole room. For those who prefer a more minimalist look, black, white, gray and natural tones are in order. If you can't afford new curtains or carpets at the moment, see if you can simply exchange them for the ones in the living room, sometimes a whole new bedroom concept can be put in place right away.

5. Prepare the ground for your bed.

We spend a good third of our lives in bed. Reason enough to make it not only more comfortable, but also visually imposing. How about an awning? Surely you must have dreamed of this when you were a teenager. Those who are creative can make this dream come true with little money. All you need is a light, permeable fabric and a little imagination to make a four-poster bed, for example.

6. Predict a more beautiful light

You probably know the proverbs "put something in the right light" or "see something in a completely different light". You can guess it: light is essential for a room concept. It's a pity that lamps can easily cost a fortune. But there are also many ways to get a beautiful, cheap DIY lamp with a little bit of craftsmanship. A classic among the home-made lamps is the muffin-shaped lamp. All you need is a large paper lamp, paper cups for the muffins, a hot glue gun and, if you like, some paint. Depending on your creativity, the result will be more noble than you think for only a few euros of material costs.

7. Make the bare wall your playground

This naked wall, scene of your own perplexity, everyone probably has one at home. Of course, there are many beautiful possibilities to skillfully stage them, whether it is a large painting, a beautiful frame arrangement or a beautiful tapestry. But if you are not one of the strongest negotiators in the flea market, these ideas will also cost you a lot of money. More modestly, you are on your way with a roll of Washi tape. You can get the rolls of glue for a few euros at any craft store, in all sorts of colors and prints. This way you can create symmetrical works of art on the wall, which you can simply remove if you don't like them.

8. Go green

Once you have them in your room, you'll never want to miss them again: plants not only bring you color, they also create a better indoor climate and, if you do it skillfully, a natural feeling of design in your home. Whether it's a cactus arrangement, orchids or succulents: in DIY stores you'll regularly find flowery offers that will put you in a good mood and give you oxygen on a daily basis.

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