How to furnish your living room in a modern style ?

Modern furniture comes in many different forms and styles and offers an infinite range of solutions. However, there is an "unwritten" but still valid rule that distinguishes this style of furnishing: essential and elegant lines that aim at the functionality of each element. If you are passionate about furniture, but don't have very clear ideas, here are the guidelines for the most popular and trendy modern styles of recent years.

Modern and classic furniture

It is a new furnishing trend that masterfully combines two seemingly distant styles: classic and modern. It's a furnishing idea that doesn't follow any fixed pattern and that allows a great personalization of the rooms. If you like to experiment, try to enrich a traditional piece of furniture with some modern elements... you will be surprised by the effect! Classic wooden furniture is complemented by furnishing accessories with more minimal lines and more contemporary materials such as steel, capable of making the environment lighter and more dynamic. It is a reassuring style that ensures concreteness and formal clarity.

Contemporary style furniture

This style of furniture, although subject to continuous evolution, responds to precise rules of space, through exact and essential lines. It prefers solutions with compact volumes and simple lines that can be transformed and adapted to different daily needs. The contemporary style is based on increasingly innovative materials such as glass and steel. The most appropriate colors are bright and highly contrasted: from blue to green, from white to all shades of gray. It is good to play with color combinations to create a perfect and personal blend. In a contemporary and modern self-respecting living room, you can't do without a TV console, hi-fi and other technological equipment.

Minimalist style

Freeing up the superfluous is the basic rule for furnishing a living room in a minimalist style! For a sober and essential furniture, exaggerated decorations and frills of all kinds should be abolished. The elegance of minimalist furniture is essential. This style, born in the pragmatic 60s, is more and more chosen in modern homes for its simple, linear and elegant forms. The minimalist style suits a person who likes order. This type of interior design reduces the furniture elements to the essential, to give more importance to the space. Even when choosing the colors of the walls and furniture, it is important to prefer refined colors with little light. The most appropriate colors for this style are undoubtedly white and all shades of gray. In order not to flatten the room too much, it is advisable to add some design objects to give more character and movement to the environment.

Industrial style furniture for the living room

This style was born in New York in the 50's, today it is more and more chosen to furnish interiors, environments and domestic rooms thanks to its versatility with an industrial flavor. Young and dynamic, an industrial show favors unusual materials and objects with compositions and combinations that recall old factories. With this style, you can really have fun leaving items on display that should normally be hidden, such as plumbing or gas pipes. The use of different materials such as stone, metal and wood, judiciously combined, give life to a unique style. Exposed brick or concrete walls left rough, rough surfaces and non-homogeneous finishes, for lighting, large hangers: all elements in a completely industrial style.

Design your living room in an eclectic style.

If you decide to decorate your living room in an eclectic style, you are certainly a person who loves originality and is not afraid to dare! This type of furniture indeed manages to harmonize the most diverse styles and an infinity of colors. A truly explosive mix of different furniture trends, perfect for those who do not totally identify with a particular style. This atmosphere allows you to combine the modern with the old, the old with the new, warm colors with cold colors and everything that seems impossible to combine. To furnish a living room in this style requires a good dose of courage and a strong personality. A living room in a totally eclectic style is anything but obvious and, if done well, it can say a lot about the character and spirit of the house. Colors, finishes and shapes are mixed and matched to create a composite and lively result. With a pinch of boldness, it is possible to combine, for example, gaudy pop elements with antique furniture, always provided that you make a reasoned and tasteful choice (indeed, with too bold a combination, you run the risk of finding a kitsch and tasteless living room).

Scandinavian style : for a modern touch

This increasingly refined and trendy style is characterized by light colors and essential furniture, capable of making a stay both elegant and welcoming. As you can easily guess, the Scandinavian style is inspired by the countries of Northern Europe: clarity, brightness and stylistic rigor, typical of Scandinavian culture. Scandinavian furniture for the living room prefers the color white often associated with wood, another undisputed protagonist of this fascinating style. If on the one hand white gives luminosity and rigour, on the other hand light wood makes the environment warmer and more intimate. In a living room of this type, all the spaces are perfectly organized to leave large areas open. The furniture is essential and the geometries are clean, while the furnishings are kept to a minimum. If you are a very tidy person and like environments that convey freshness and cleanliness, then the Scandinavian style has already seduced you!

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